JLA: The Nail - Alan Davis
(What if little Kal-El hadn't been rescued by the Kents?)
The Crimson Avenger - Roy & Dann Thomas, Greg Brooks
(a 1938 adventure of the early costumed hero)
Superman: Distant Fires - Gil Kane, Howard Chaykin
(Supes survives nuclear holocaust without powers)
Prisonopolis, Infochameleon - Ben Adams & co.
(stories with something to say about our future)
The Enchanters - Steven Gellman
(a team of magical gay/lesbian superheroes)

Iron Man - Scott Lobdell & Jim Lee, Kurt Busiek
(two recent relaunches of a classic hero)
The Invisibles - Grant Morrison, Phil Jimenez
(what if those occult conspiracies were all real?)
Atlantis Chronicles - Peter David, Esteban Maroto
(the epic of Aquaman's kingdom and people)
Another Day - Mario E. Miranda
(an ordinary young man discovers he can do extraordinary things)
Crisis on Earth Prime - Gerry Conway, Roy Thomas
(a mondo Multiverse multi-team crossover)
DESTROY!! - Scott McCloud
(32 pages of meaningless violence and mayhem, plus one naughty word)
Superman Adventures #11,12 - McCloud, Burchett
(Superman - and Lois - face a threat to his life)
Anarky - Alan Grant, Norm Breyfogle
(an anarchist anti-villain schemes to save the world)
Blood Pack - Charles Moore, Christopher Taylor
(a hip made-for-TV superhero team)
Green Lantern/Green Arrow - O'Neil, Marz, Dixon
(hard-traveling heroes: then and now)
Leave It To Chance - James Robinson, Paul Smith
(an adolescent girl tries following dad's footsteps)
Tempest - Phil Jimenez
(the former Aqualad explores his past and makes a new name for himself)
The Spectre - John Ostrander, Tom Mandrake
(the wrath of God joined with a dead cop)
![[beyond genre]](beyond.gif)
Gemini Blood - Christopher Hinz, T.L.Edwards
(mercenaries vs. creatures with 2 bodies but 1 mind)
Time Breakers - Rachel Pollack, Chris Weston
(What if time paradoxes were necessary for life to exist?)
Jet #1 - Jonathan Hong
(manga-influenced masked kid urban adventurer)
Scare Tactics - Kaminski, Williams, Lanning
(horror meets humour meets human interest)
Vampirella Lives #1 - Warren Ellis, Amanda Conner
(one of the original "bad girl" characters)
Oktane - Gerard Jones, Gene Ha
(a 10-foot oil-guzzling post-apocalyptic enigma)
Turok #1 - Fabian Nicieza, Rafael Kayanan
(an irresponsible stud[ent] becomes Turok the dinosaur hunter)
Troublemakers #1 - Fabian Nicieza, Kenny Martinez, Anibal Rodriguez
(adolescent superkids)
Heroes - Matt Wayne, ChrisCross, Prentis Rollins
(Milestone's first "public" superhero team)
Green Arrow #0-109 - Dixon/Puckett, various artists
(Ollie Queen's son follows in his father's footsteps)
Eradicator - Velez, Robinson, Lowe
(the last "pure" Kryptonian looks for his humanity)
Gon #1 - Masashi Tanaka
(a dwarf dinosaur's adventures in the modern world)
Prez - Joe Simon / Ed Brubaker
("the first teen president", in 1973 and 1995)
What They Did to Princess Paragon - Robert Rodi
(what if DC made Wonder Woman a lesbian?)
Wonder Woman #1-46 - George Pérez, & co
(an Amazon brings her message of equality and peace)
CyberZone #1-7 - Jimmie Robinson
(future adventures of a street-tough woman and her sentient Gunn)
Leatherboy - Craig Maynard
(a gay sex-toy superhero fights a super-powered-sex menace)
Manhunter - Steve Grant, Vince Giarrano
(some dude with kewl shoulder pads and a scowling attitude)
Primal Force - Seagle, Hooper/Choles, Kaalberg
(heroes from the fringes of the DC Universe)
Starman #0-20 - J.Robinson, Harris, Von Grawbadger
(the son of the first Starman reluctantly takes the job)
Fate - J.Moore/Grant/Kaminsky, Williams, Lanning
(Dr. Fate is replaced by a sword-wielding ruffian)
Xenobrood - Moench, Coker/Hunter, Aiken/Lowe
(a team of "genies released from a bottle")
The DC Challenge! - the 1986 DC creative staff
(round-robin mini-series featuring DC's superheroes)
The Jam #1-11 - Bernie Mireault
(a guy who wears a suit and fights crime... but isn't a superhero)
The Foot Soldiers vol.1 - Kreuger, Oeming
(a group of kids become heroes in an oppressed future)
Prime vol.1 - G.Jones/Strazewski, Breyfogle, etc.
(flagship title of the original Malibu Ultraverse)
Powers That Be / Star Seed #1-4 - Jim Shooter & co
(superhero series from Broadway Comics)
V for Vendetta - Alan Moore, David Lloyd
(a masked anarchist takes on fascist Britain)
Avant Guard #2 - Stephen Conley
(old-style superheroes drawn using modern computer tools)