When planning my route I try to look for roads called things like “Lakeside Road” or “Scenic Drive”; 9 times out of 10 they’re a nice ride. This afternoon, because of the particular geography of this trip, the key word was “Bay Shore”… as if the line tracing the edge of Green Bay wasn’t clue enough. And it ran for a relaxing 13 miles: no turns (except curves of course), very little traffic, and of course views of the bay.
I stopped at various county and local parks along the way, as much to stretch my legs as to enjoy the scenery. Which is how I like to travel. There was also a bit of farmland to go through, which is nice and relaxing and scenic in its own way.
I had a couple of towns that I passed through on the way to the state park: Sturgeon Bay and Egg Harbor. The former is a relatively large place, with a shipyard that dominates it’s otherwise pretty harbor. It has two bridges across the inlet: and old metal structure in the style of GR’s Sixth Street Bridge that had a metal grate I could hear from a distance, and a newer cement-paved drawbridge. I took the latter. I only stopped briefly in Egg Harbor; it’s a speck on the map, but it’s got a but if that Lake-Michigan-harbor-town thing going.
My camp site tonight (arrived at 4:30, 8.5 hours in the road) is at Peninsula State Park, which dominates (by area) the town of Fish Creek which sits next to it. It has several hundred camp sites at all of the campgrounds combined. With all the hiking trails and biking trails, lighthouse, nature center, and even outdoor theatre productions, it’s the sort of place one could spend several days. But I’m just passing through.
My first choice of restaurants in Fish Creek (a piza place across the street from the prk entrance) had a 45-minute wait for a table, so I went down the street to the historic business district and ended up at the Bayside (there’s that key word) Tavern.It’s a few steps up from the bar-and-grills I’ve been frequenting.