Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Wednesday, 17th August 2011; 1:23 pm

I made the mistake of going into downtown Jackson, since it was more direct than going around, and it seemed a reasonably good place to get lunch. It’s not that kind of downtown: too big a city. Just lots of one-way streets and traffic and frustration. At least half an hour wasted.

I finally just figured out which way was northwest, got myself on a road heading that way (stop and go traffic) and finally made it past the airport and over I-94. And there was a good place for lunch: Hudson’s Classic Grill, kind of a slightly upscale burger joint with car parts, a stuffed deer, and a tractor hanging from the ceiling.

Google Maps puts me 90 miles from home by the most direct route. That includes a long stretch on M50, which I have doubts about. That’s what I took out of Monroe, and it wasn’t bad, but… as a rule: beware of roads whose name starts with a letter and ends with a number. They’re fine as long as traffic is light enough that there aren’t cars and trucks pulling up behind you every couple minutes, and those that do pull up have a chance to pass quickly. But if not, you wind up with a bunch of angry drivers – some of whom are also complete morons – piled up behind you. Fortunately there are some other roads with better names that branch off M50 for long stretches in that direction, so I think they’ll work. I won’t be home before supper, but still plenty of time before dark.


Skiff Lake

Wednesday, 17th August 2011; 12:01 pm

Stopped at a stop sign. “Skiff Lake” sounds very familiar. I just figured out why. I remember this sign for Skiff Lake Bible Church, congratulating Tim and Josie on their wedding. Just the other day I passed this same intersection going east (not north) and with the right of way (not stopping). I saw the same sign, thinking “I wonder if they’d be as happy if it were Tim and José “becoming one”…?

Even though I was already stopped, and got off the bike to snap a picture, I didn’t change the sign. It was locked.

Not that I checked. 😉


Two Towers

Wednesday, 17th August 2011; 10:56 am

No, not those Two Towers. Not the other Two Towers, either. I’ve stopped at the other Two Towers, of the Irish Hills area. I was considering coming by here on today’s trip, but it was detouring a bit north of my destination. But with my new plans, it’s right on the way. Which is good, I guess, because they aren’t all that impressive. They probably offer a good view from the top, but they’re closed to that now. Too run-down, I’d guess.



Wednesday, 17th August 2011; 9:26 am

I just hit all 1s on the odometer, just east of Britton MI. To be a complete geek, I tried to go an extra 58 feet and 8 inches past 11,111.1, so that it would be 11.1(repeating) kilomiles.


Morning at the 6

Wednesday, 17th August 2011; 7:59 am

I slept OK… at least comfortably last night. I woke around 7 again, and with less to do and less incentive to loiter, I’m ready to go an hour earlier than usual: about 8.

The scooter’s still there. I’ve never left it in a parking lot overnight before.

There’s a line of rain showers coming across Lake Michigan. If I stay south enough it might miss me. Since staying south was the original plan, I’ll sort of follow that route, at least until the rain passes or it just makes more sense to turn northwestward toward home, regardless. I have rain gear and/or I can find a place to wait for it to pass.

I have a few stops planned along the way, and 160 miles or so shouldn’t require excessive time in the saddle. I’ve gone further in a day, and I’ve done close to that a few times.

Motel 6

Tuesday, 16th August 2011; 10:28 pm

OK, a little more tine to reflect on the missing tent. I still can’t decide which is the more likely explanation for its disappearance: neither falling off nor being taken off seems probable. But as my old friend Sherlock Holmes used to say: once you eliminate the impossible (e.g. spontaneous evaporation, or, I sold it for crack), whatever remains – no matter how improbable – must be true.

I’d just finished an ode to the tent, saying how much I liked it (except for its limited headroom) and bragged about it to my lunch companions (which is how I’m sure it was on the bike then). It was a good tent. But as I’d also noted, it was showing its age. One thing I am resolved about: it WILL be replaced. This has NOT been my last scooter road trip, nor was my latest backpacking trip a few years ago my last. I will require another tent.

I also require sleep. And this motel room will just have to suffice for that… tonight.
