Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Sunday, 9th August 2009; 10:49 am - Location:

I stopped in Manistee (not to be confused with Manistique; that’s in a few days) for a break, and for gas. I forgot to check the gas level before leaving Ludington, and I wasn’t sure I’d make it without running empty, but Mike’s GPS directed me to a station before I ran out.

It’s warming up and definitely humid. Some clouds moving in, but not to the north where I’m headed. Less breeze but still not oppressive. It’s not even 11am yet. Give it time. I’m keeping the baseball cap on my head, even though it cuts down on the cooling breeze; I don’t want my balding head to fry.

Manistee is a nice harbor town, with a quiet business district downtown (at least it’s quiet today), and a channel to the lake lined with pleasure craft and fishing charters. It has a nice riverfront boardwalk. There are some generic waterfront condos but the place isn’t overrun, and parts of the channel are actually still natural and undeveloped.

Don’t be alarmed by the flock of vultures.

Ludington morning

Sunday, 9th August 2009; 8:50 am - Location:

I slept OK last night. The hard ground just doesn’t offer a chronic toss-and-turner like me too many comfortable options. It rained, but sporadically and not hard. It was very windy though, rustling the trees loudly. Fortunately I was protected from that by the dunes; the air was still down at ground level.

Today’s supposed to be hot with heat indexes close to 100F. And scattered showers. But it’s nice so far, not too hot, breezy, and partly cloudy.

I rode south back into the city along the shore before turning around to go around the inland lake and continue northward.

GR to Ludington

Sunday, 9th August 2009; 7:39 am - Location: , , ,

OK, so the WordPress app for the IPhone can lose posts if it has a flaky Internet connection, and I lost the original version of this. Here’s what I remember from before.

I waited for the rain to die down before leaving home, around 12:30. (For the record, the odometer was at 1907 miles.) It was still raining lightly, but hard enough that without my Frogg Toggs I would’ve been pretty wet pretty quickly. I headed mostly due west from home, then followed the north side of the Grand River until I started getting close to Ferrysburg. To save time, instead of following the lakeshore I turned north at Nunica, then turned west when I got even with Muskegon.

From there I followed a few roads that shadow US-31, taking me to Whitehall/Montague. Along this way I saw my first distinct shadow, as it had not only stopped raining the clouds were breaking up. I also happened to pass Michigan’s Adventure amusement park (which has grown up quite a bit since it was Deer Park Funland), so I now know a non-highway way of getting there.

Add another item to the Things I Have Nearly Hit On My Scooter list: a turkey. OK, she was moving predictably enough, and I saw her from far enough away that I was in no real danger of hitting her. But I could have.

When I stopped for gas just south of Whitehall, a guy struck up a conversation with me. It started about my rain gear, but he was curious about my travel plans, etc. He didn’t notice at first that my “motorcycle” was a scooter, so I had to correct him about travel times. He thought it was great that I was taking the Badger across the lake, and warned me that the on ship bar operates on Eastern time not Central, so they stop serving at 1am Central. By the way, my gas mileage at that fill-up was 88mpg: not bad but nothing to get excited about.

I was making up for lost time, so I didn’t stop for anything else, except to take off my rain gear at a McDonald’s near Whitehall. I got to the city of Ludington around 4:30. I grabbed a Subway meal and headed to the state park. Even though I was late arriving (technically 26 hours, since I’d reserved the night before as well) they didn’t give me any hassles. The park is actually close to full, despite the weather.

There’s an art fair or something going on in the city, but I didn’t feel like heading back into town, so I went for a hike on Ludington’s fairly extensive trails. My hike took me out to the Lake, past the day-use beach, and along an inland lake. On the latter stretch I startled a big blue heron, and also saw a few deer, including a speckled fawn. But it was dark and the autofocus on my camera is horrible at locking onto objects when there are stray twigs in the frame so I didn’t get good shots of them.

Although the afternoon was pleasantly cool and sunny the evening has become humid and cloudy, with the rumble of thunder and flashes of lightning. So although I am back at the campsite, I’m not out of the woods yet.

Gear choices

Saturday, 8th August 2009; 6:30 pm - Location:

For what it’s worth, I chose to take the hard foam sleeping pad, mostly because I know how it’ll behave and hold up. I’m a little leery of the unknown… when venturing into the unknown.

I made a last minute substitution to wear my hiking boots and bring my sneakers as spares/alternates, rather than wearing the sneakers and an old set of slip on shoes for in camp. This was prompted by the weather: the boots are somewhat waterproof. Hiking now in the mud at Ludington State Park, I’m glad I chose them.


Saturday, 8th August 2009; 12:37 pm - Location:

The trip is GO. I’m leaving now.

Rain delay

Saturday, 8th August 2009; 8:37 am

I’ve decided to wait out the worst of the rain this morning, and take a more direct route to Ludington in the afternoon. I can catch the scenic lakeshore route on the way home, or another time. This should get me to the state park late in the afternoon, which is technically past my check-in time… but I don’t think they’re going to have too many people without reservations showing up looking for a campsite today.