Departure selfie

Friday, 18th July 2014; 10:44 am

I understand that “selfies” are all the rage with the kids these days, so here’s an attempt at a selfie with my new bestie, Flash.


I’ve had a leisurely morning getting ready, after a reasonably good night’s sleep.  I’m in no hurry to get anywhere today: I just need to get to Ludington State Park by nightfall.  Nothing against Ludington, but I’ve been there twice before. At this point, it’s just a convenient place to spend the night before getting on the Badger tomorrow morning.  So I’ve got my departure pencilled in for “noon”, figuring it’ll take me 3-4 hours to get there with no stops for tourism… just fuel and rest and such.

I had a close call with my preparations, the sort of thing that helps to explain why I tend to go into obsessive-compulsive mode when I travel like this.  I use the 12V outlet on my scooter to keep my iPhone charged.  The phone is a pretty essential piece of equipment, not just for the blog and taking pictures, but also for navigating.  I seriously don’t know how I’d manage without it (though I do have printed copies of my planned route, just in case).  I plugged in the phone, just to make sure the charger was working… and it wasn’t.  I was afraid maybe the outlet on the scooter was broken, or a fuse blown, but fortunately I have a spare charger in my car.  I switched to that one, and it works.

That being the case, all systems are now “go” for launch. I just need to do a last check of e-mail and such, double-check the locks, set the alarms, and head north.

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