
Tuesday, 4th June 2013; 8:35 am

When I’m on a ride, I’ve traditionally updated the map on the main page of this site every day. I won’t be doing that for this month’s excursion, because… there’s nothing to update. I’ve already been to every county I’ll be going through this time.  (Next month will cover a bunch more new territory.)

But for the record, here’s a rundown:

  1. On the first day, I’ll be riding Kent, Newaygo, Lake, Wexford (just the corner), and Manistee Counties.  (Manistee is the green one on the map below.)
  2. The next day I’ll be hiking in Manistee County (along the Manistee River, go figure), but I might wander back into Wexford County at the end of the day.
  3. On day three I’ll be backtracking (different trail) in Manistee, then getting back on the bike and probably cutting the corner of Benzie County, to camp in Grand Traverse County.
  4. Day four will include some time in Grand Traverse, then Leelanau, Benzie, and Manistee again (along the lakeshore).
  5. The last day I’ll probably stick to the shoreline, going through Mason, Oceana, Muskegon, and Ottawa Counties, but I might cut through Newaygo County instead.

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