I’ve arrived at Sterling State Park and my tent is gone. I know I had it at lunch, so it must have either fallen off or been taken off at one of the various places I stopped for a while and left the bike out of my sight. For the tent to just slide off (bungeed/tied down) is pretty damn unlikely. but I never left it alone for very long either. Who knows.
At this point I just don’t know what to do. There just isn’t enough daylight left to get home from here. I guess I find a motel here and ride home tomorrow.
[profanity deleted]
I am sorry to hear that. Could u buy a tent around there??
It’s not worth the trouble at this point. I only had two more nights of camping planned, so I’d rather just end the trip and go home. I’ll find a tent to replace it later.
Worse things could happen, but I am sure its frustrating.
Cheap motels offer some solace.
You will probably be able to get a replacement on sale at the end of the season!