To Wisconsin

Saturday, 19th July 2014; 2:45 pm

The Badger crossing was smooth sailing. We had hazy sun and a bit of wind, so it was pleasant but cool on deck. It’s a four-hour trip, and they charge for wifi, so I killed most of my time reading. I brought my digital-ink B&N Nook for this purpose, knowing the battery would last for all three ferry rides, so I wouldn’t need a charger for it. (I don’t count the last one, as I intend to sleep through it.)

My one previous ride on the Badger was also an overnight, so I didn’t explore the ship. I had four hours to kill today, so I toured the whole thing repeatedly. There’s a fair amount to do on-board (movies, TV, arcade, gift shop, cafe, nap room) but I still preferred my Nook. The “main lounge” was taken over by bingo and trivia games, so I didn’t settle there much. The aft of the ship was a bit noisy, between the propulsion system and the yip-yip dog in the hold that barked the whole way.

A variety of passengers, including quite a few families with children. There was a group of four Amish people, and also what I’m guessing was a Mennonite family accompanied by an “English” couple.

I didn’t spend any time in Manitowoc, figuring I’ll probably have a little time there on the return trip. I just gassed up and headed into Green Bay (the city, not the body of water) via the rural highway I’d taken five years ago. I stopped there for a late lunch at Titletown Brewing Company downtown (but drank only iced tea).


One Response to “To Wisconsin”

  1. dad says:

    Glad you made it so far. Flash looks fine ( except for the fender which is so much redder!

    I suspect you will be getting lots of speeding tickets now with the much more powerful engine! I don’t practice law in Wisconsin so you will need to represent yourself.

    Sounds like a good start to your trip!