This page is a feature of Beek's Books:
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![]() He's fast, can fly, and used to have a light-based power when in contact with his sister Aurora. Fans speculated about Northstar's orientation almost from the beginning, but AF writer John Byrne was coy about it. For a while Northstar was said to be a descendant of the Vanir, a nordic elf-like race. As columnist Peter David said in response, "That's right, Northstar's not gay, he's just a fairy. That's much better." The main evidence that he was supposed to be gay was in AF #7-8, which spotlighted Northstar and his sister Aurora. The two of them visit an old friend of Northstar's, Raymonde Belmonde. When Aurora leaves the two of them alone briefly, Belmonde comments to Northstar, "So you didn't tell her all about me." A little later, we meet Belmonde's long-lost daughter, and Northstar is extremely surprised that he would have a child. In the next issue, the narration tells us: "Much more than a friend, Raymonde Belmonde taught a young Jean-Paul Beaubier [Northstar's secret ID] not to be afraid of his mutant power...or any other thing." And at the end of the story, Aurora blows up at Northstar in the following words: "You -- of all people -- dare to judge my love life!" In the Northstar origin story which was the backup of AF #11, a character mentions that as a ski champion, Northstar had fame, money, and women, but didn't seem to be too interested in the women. He puts this down to the athlete's obsession with competition. | ||
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X-Statix (originally entitled X-Force) is an unconventional series with a high body count, by Peter Milligan and Mike Allred, and has included gay characters. Bloke is big, with three fingers on each hand and an alien-looking skull. He had started his superhero career in San Francisco as a multi-colored hero called Rainbow but later became chameleon-like, turning all-pink when he went into action. He was cited as having both a high "kill rating" and a "penchant for musical theater". In a brief scene before he joins X-Force, he's seen kissing his boyfriend goodbye. On his first mission with this team, another member comments about the "chickens" (referring to pretty women) and he comments about the "roosters". He didn't survive the mission, however. Vivisector and Phat did. They're Myles, an intellectual nebbish who is also a werewolf, and Billy-Bob, a white-trash homeboy-wannabe who can expand the fat in various parts of his body. Because the team is as much a "reality" program as it is a group of superheroes, and they're just "supporting cast", they began dropping hints that they were a couple as a ploy to get attention from the media. Then they both admitted (to each other) that it wasn't just an act, and Phat reverted to his homophobic public image, because now it was true and he didn't want anyone to know. Eventually they figured out - and publically acknowledged - that while they were both gay, they weren't attracted to each other. | |||
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Shatterstar was intended to be gay, but never officially stated. Marvel canned the writer who was leading up to this revelation in the pages of X-Force (#50-60's), presumably for other reasons. | |||
Amy Chen, former mercenary and assassin, now a member of Silver Sable's Wild Pack. Her orientation was established as follows: Scene: Powell has just attempted to put the moves on Chen. She rejects him. He starts whining about how he can't figure out why she won't sleep with him. Crippler: "It ain't personal, farmboy, it's 'cause she's a l-" Chen: "Actually, in his case, it is personal." ... or something like that. Gregory Wright (the character's creater) had this to say: " to Amy Chen's sexual orientation, it was never EXPLICITLY said in print, but numerous references were planted in my stories. Yes, as far as I'm concerned, and that's all that counts since I created her, she is lesbian, or possibly bi. The reason she was never officially outed had nothing to do with Marvel policy as some have speculated. It was simply a matter of it not being relevant to any of the stories written. I'm glad many folks were interested enough in her to figure it out. And no one ever complained. I would have liked to have written a story that did deal with her orientation, but alas, the book was cancelled before I could do it. Maybe someday." | |||
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![]() A few stories have alluded to or touched on his orientation. For example, in Flash #120-121, Piper suspected a right-wing anti-gay politician of being a supposedly-dead member of the Rogues, and went "rogue" again in an effort to take him down. A backup story in Flash annual #10 (a special "young romance" issue) featured Piper trying to deal with a former partner in crime and prevent him from harming his current partner in love James (who shows up from time to time). | ||
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![]() Meanwhile, Frostbite (a man with ice powers, eventually explained to be a snow elf) was involved in a literally-steamy relationship with Bonfire (a woman with fire powers). Eventually this relationship was going to cool off, as Bonfire figured out that she was in love with another team member. But when the series was cancelled, the writer hastily ended it so that he and George could get together before the end. George was reluctant to admit his attraction to Frostbite, who "brought him out", eventually admitted it, and in the last regular issue, as the other team members all paired up, the two of them sat together, implying that this was the beginning of a relationship between them. The following month, in a #1,000,000 issue set a few hundred millenia in the future, Off-Ramp (travelling through time) ran into Frostbite (still alive). There was no specific reference to the nature of their past relationship, but it was clearly a close and affectionate one. | |||
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Ice Maiden Bisexual member of the Justice League America near the end of its run in 1996 (#100-something). Flirted heavily with Fire, one of the other female characters. This was an extended red herring at first, with the "flirtation" with Fire being more along the lines of trying to help Fire get over Ice (who Ice Maiden bore some similarity to). At one point she confirmed that she was interested in women. | |||
Obsidian also a member of the Justice League America near the end of its run in 1996 (#100-something). Never came out as gay, but agonised a lot about being (apparently) asexual. He did have some relationships with women before this, and one of the things Gerard Jones (the writer) was trying to do was to make a statement against labeling people, so it's probably not appropriate to label him "gay" or even "bi". His powers are darkness-related. He's the son of the original Green Lantern Alan Scott (aka "Sentinel"), and his sister is Jade, who has been featured in Green Lantern and The Outsiders. His "darkness" tugged him over to the "villain" side of the scorecard for a while, but was brought back into the good-guy fold in JSA. | |||
![]() One of the Global Guardians, the semi-obscure group where Fire, Ice, and Ice Maiden got their starts. He can turn into a big furry guy with superstrength and other undefined powers including a "Devil's Scream" howl. His "outing" came from an offhand comment in Justice League International Quarterly about how bad it is for "our kind" in Australia. Later appearances pretty much ignored this, although I think it was mentioned once or twice. And yes, his powers make him something of a "bear." | |||
Blue Jay has appeared only a few times and was identified as gay only outside of the comics themselves. He hung out with the Silver Sorceress in the Justice Leage America/Europe/International period; they both came from another universe or something like that. He could shrink to approximately bird size and had wings. There hasn't been any story dealing with his sexuality. Just a lack of any love interest, and the fact that many people "read" him as gay. | |||
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From 1989-1994, the Legion of Superheroes had a few characters who were, arguably, gay or bisexual.
It should also be noticed that Shrinking Violet spent relatively little time with her boyfriend when they were dating (they were on separate teams). Some readers now see him as a "beard" (that is, a disguise to hide one's homosexuality), though he surely wasn't intended as such when the stories were originally written in the late 1970s/early 1980s. Also, at the same time the Ayla/Vi relationship was being shown, the Legionnaires were cloned/duplicated, so that, in addition to the 30-something Legion, there was a teenaged Legion running around. The teenaged clone/duplicate of Vi was shown to be confused because she was feeling attracted to Saturn Girl.
The Legion was started over from scratch in 1994, and none of the new versions of these characters (nor any of their colleagues) has given any clear indication of homosexuality. The writers of the series (and its joined-at-the-hip sibling Legionnaires) stated that at least one member of the team was gay... they just haven't confirmed this yet by showing us. There was a possible hint in one issue: Due to some mucking about with reality, the old adult versions of Ayla and Vi (and other Legionnaires) appear, and there's a panel (see the Shortly after this creative team was replaced, one of them revealed that Invisible Kid Lyle Norg (also on several "short list"s) was the character they had in mind, but he didn't know if the new creative team would follow through on this. | |||
Anima is bisexual. She was introduced in New Titans annual #9 and had an ongoing series that lasted for a year or so. The series was an odd mixture of Jungian archetype psycho-philosophy and then-trendy "grrrl" culture. A character with AIDS was part of the story. Anima was reportedly outed in Justice League America #105 (when Gerard Jones was playing around with sexuality labeling), possibly in the letter column. | |||
Tony Mantegna Member of the most recent incarnation of the Secret Six, is gay. He was introduced in Action Comics Weekly #601 and outed sometime in that first story arc. The word "gay" was never used. Tony was shown, however, mourning at the grave of his lover, for which the stone had a male name. He also rejected an offer of a romantic liaison with a woman, although I don't recall if he explicitly stated why. | |||
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The 1983 limited series Camelot 3000 is about King Arthur and the knights of the round table returning "when England needs him most" to fight an alien invasion. One of the knights is Sir Tristan, whose soul has been resurrected as a woman, who - when he remembers who he really is - promptly cuts his hair into a short lesbian-butch style. There's a lot of angst about him being a man trapped in a woman's body, especially when 1) his lover, Isolde, is resurrected, also as a woman, and 2) when Tom, a 30th century companion of the knights, falls in love with Tristan. Isolde and Tristan do end up together, however. | |||
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![]() The characters' sexual orientation has never been a focus of any storylines or subplots, and in fact has never been explicitly stated. But during the time they've been around, they've consistently been portrayed as very close, and when one was seriously injured in a fight, the other was shown cradling him with a kind of intimacy and speaking with a level of protectiveness that seemed to go beyond mere friendship. In response to reader questions, the characters' creator Warren Ellis has said, "Yes, Apollo and Midnighter are, in the debased English parlance, up each other. So what?" (Though he later recanted the implication that it didn't matter, acknowledging the reasons that are quite obvious to anyone reading this page.) | ||
Rainmaker of Gen13 is a lipstick lesbian, used mostly by writer Brandon Choi for cheap het-boy titillation. The biggest example of it was having Sarah stare at Fairchild's ass while giving Roxy a back rub. As a character, she competent if a bit aloof. She isn't the most warm and cuddly person, but is still loyal and good. You know the drill. How it's handled depends on the writer, and nearly every guest writer (Hughes, PAD, etc.) makes some reference to it. | |||
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Gear, the main hero's junior partner in the animated series Static Shock is arguably gay. Although there's been nothing on the show to suggest it (unless you count an earring, which is very inconclusive in this age), his character was gay in the original Milestone comics series Static. And there's been nothing on the show to indicate that he's not gay. Rick - who in the comics (and the first season of the TV series) had no powers and never did heroics - was Static/Virgil's best friend and came out to him in "What Are Little Boys Made Of?", issues #16-20. | |||
Milestone - which has stopped publishing comics - also had some other characters worth noting: Masquerade was a Blood Syndicate member who was female but - thanks to her morphing powers - posed as a man. Lt. Marissa Rahm was a male-to-female transsexual cop who appeared in Hardware and starred in the Deathwish mini-series. | |||
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![]() | Badger (Mike Baron - also published by Image) Badger isn't exactly gay... but he suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder, and Max (one of his personalities) is gay. | ||
![]() | Heartbreakers (Anina Bennett, Paul Guinan - also published by Image) A group of women who are all genetically-enhanced clones of each other. Had a story in Gay Comics #23 (reprinted in the new Heartbreakers: Bust Out paperback) called "My Lover... My Clone!", the title of which is pretty self-explanatory. | ||
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Spectral, a member of The Strangers was gay. They were a group of ordinary San Franciscans who gained powers when something happened to them on a cable car. Writer Steve Englehart played it coy about Spectral at first, but it came out (so to speak). One of the other characters just asked Dave point blank if he was gay, and thereafter it was just an accepted thing. The way his powers worked was that he glowed in different colors (yes, like a rainbow) each of which produced different powers: fire, air, strength, plant growth (?), etc. In a later issue, Spectral came out to an Army General (this was during the "Don't ask, Don't tell..." hullaballoo), for no apparent reason, except to make a statement. | |||
Showtime | Rage: Gay Crusader is a fictional gay superhero. Not in the sense that they all are, but in the sense that he is a character - a gay superhero - created by another fictional character - a gay cartoonist - in the Showtime made-for-American-cable version of Queer as Folk. Cable (especially with premium channels) is beyond my budget, so I can't tell you much about him. | ||
Joan Hilty |
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![]() | Lucifyr is a "superhuman winged avenger" in Queer Nation: The Online Gay Comic. The series is set in a world where the a comet caused lesbians worldwide to vanish, which led to the election of Pat Robertson as president of the United States. Lucifyr has a flaming sword and wings, and has slaughtered a couple of fag-bashers he caught in the act. Additional superhero characters are promised. | ||
Andy Mangels | Pride A gay superhero who has appeared occasionally in Gay Comics (particularly the superhero issues). He has the usual flying and strength powers. (He used to be called Sentinel, but DC decided they wanted to use that name, so Mangels had to give it up.) | ||
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Mermaid | Go-Go Boy The central character is a gay man with super speed and a night job as a dancer (hence the joke of the title). I'm not sure what happened to this one... the publisher was a small one, the scenario had quite a few cliches, and the art was rather weak, so I'm guessing it's gone. | ||
![]() | Midnight Mink & Chippy A fairly obvious satire of Batman and Robin in Rick Veitch's Brat Pack mini-series. The Mink lives up to all of the crude insinuations about the relationship between Batman & Robin. Sick fun, but not a good role model. {grin} | ||
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Various gay comic strips have had "superhero" episodes, in which the characters put on tights and fought crime, but these are generally one-shot spoofs, so I didn't bother listing them. | |||
Mikel Midnight maintains lists of Transvestite and Transsexual superheroes and BDSM comics. | |||
Some individual issues of superhero books with gay themes (in addition to those mentioned above):
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